Invisalign Clear Braces
Straighten your teeth the simple, low-visibility way – Invisalign® in Chingford Mount.

Invisalign® is a revolutionary treatment which has been used by millions of people to straighten teeth and improve smiles. It is a simple process, using a series of almost invisible, removable aligners, individually made for each patient, which gently move your teeth over a number of months to achieve a straighter, more attractive smile.
Chingford Mount Dental Practice is an approved Invisalign® Provider and Dr Pratik Sharma our Consultant Orthodontist, carries out many Invisalign® treatments each year.
free braces information pack
download our free information pack
A 33 page report full of the most useful information, ideal if you’re thinking about having braces
- The costs and lowest price alternatives
- Your options and choices for treatment
- Are you suitable for treatment?
- How does Invisalign compare to the other brace systems?
- How long does each treatment take?
- Plus lots more…

Benefits of Invisalign
- Low visibility – no metal at all, hardly anyone will notice them
- Removable – Invisalign can be removed for meals and special occasions
- Healthy – as the aligners are not attached to your teeth they allow for normal brushing, meaning it’s easier to maintain oral health during treatment
- Comfortable – no metal brackets or wires to irritate your gum or the inside of your mouth

Learn more about Invisalign in our video
Invisalign Results

Frequently asked questions

How much does Invisalign cost?
The cost of Invisalign will vary from provider to provider depending upon the level of service they provide. Be sure to find out if all appointments are included and if retainers are included after your treatment. A tyypical price of Invisalign treatment is around £2000 although this can often be spread over an extended period with finance packages.
How long does Invisalign take?
A typical Invisalign clear braces treatment will take around 12 months. This is usually made up of 26 aligners replaced every two weeks. More complex treatments which involved the back teeth may take up to 24 months. However, at the beginning of treatment the computer modelling will let you know how long your treatment will take so you will always know at the beginning.
How does Invisalign work?
Moving teeth is actually quite simple, all we need to do is put pressure on a tooth in a particular direction and it will move. The trick is applying the right amount of pressure in the right direction in the right place. Invisalign achieves this with a series of clear aligners. Each aligner moves your teeth a small amount, when that aligner has finished moving the teeth you replace it for a new aligner which continues moving your teeth.
Can Invisalign fix overbite?
Yes. Although if you’re overbite is particularly serious the orthodontist may recommend conventional orthodontics instead of Invisalign.
Does Invisalign hurt?
No. There is usually some mild discomfort felt when you first switch your clear aligners for a new set. This is because the aligners are pushing on your teeth, when your teeth move they will settle down and the discomfort will subside, usually within 3or 4 days. This process is repeated each time you switch aligners.
Is Invisalign worth it?
Yes. There’s never been a better way to straighten teeth and enjoy a beautiful smile with no one else knowing. There are many other forms of orthodontic brace but Invisalign is often the treatment of choice due to it’s virtually invisible appearance.
How to clean Invisalign
We recommend you clean Invisalign with denture cleaning tablets rather than with your toothbrush. A toothbrush and toothpaste can be a little abrasive. It’s also possible to purchase Invisalign cleaning tablets.
Can you drink with Invisalign?
Yes, but only cold water. If you drink hot drinks this could distort your Invisalign clear aligner. It’s also not recommended to drink any other drink containing sugar whilst wearing your braces. This is because the braces will hold sugar against the teeth giving you a higher risk of developing tooth decay.
What does Invisalign look like?
Invisalign looks like a clear gumshield which is very thin. It is made, special plastic which is carefully moulded to the shape of your teeth.

Interested in finding out more about Invisalign® in Chingford Mount? Request a free virtual consultation or call us on 020 8529 1246.